What’s Our Deal?
Founded in 2009, Pandemic Theatre is a performing arts collective that operated out of Tkaronto (Toronto) until 2022, and has recently relocated to Coast Salish Territories (Vancouver and Victoria).
We create, develop, and produce work from critical and underrepresented perspectives that engage social and political themes. We strive to create spaces where political discourse is not only possible, but also encouraged.
Our work is to challenge audiences, artists, and communities to engage and question the role of aesthetics in ideology. To do so ethically, critically, and in the spirit of solidarity.
Another world is possible.
“Doesn’t play by the rules.”
Paul Aguirre-Livingston | The Grid

Why “Pandemic”?
The name “Pandemic” was adopted to speak to the aim of the company to create work that is simultaneously dangerous (from the contemporary widespread bio-hazard connotations of the name) and also, in essence, work that responds to issues that effect and affect the larger common public.
“Pandemic” is derived from the Greek “pandemos” meaning all (“pan”) people (“demos”).
“Politicized, buzz-creating.”
Janet Smith | The Georgia Straight

What've We Done?
Since our inception in 2009, we have worked with 150+ artists on 50+ productions & workshops which have garnered 40+ international awards & nominations. Like a true Pandemic the work continues to spread, with 60+ partnerships in 20+ cities worldwide, including: